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Alien Romance: The Barbarian's Hunger: Scifi Alien Romance (Commander Of Rista Book 1)
Alien Romance: The Barbarian's Hunger: Scifi Alien Romance (Commander Of Rista Book 1) Read online
The Barbarian’s Hunger
Ana Hunter
Copyright 2016 by Ana Hunter
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any way whatsoever, without written permission
from the author, except in case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews
and articles.
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any
character, person, living or dead, events, place or
organizations is purely coincidental. The author does not
have any control over and does not assume any responsibility
for third party websites or their content.
First edition, 2016
Chapter 1
Ava became more and more grateful for the belts holding her in her seat the nearer they travelled to the Planet Rista. If it wasn't for them, she was sure she would fall from her chair; she was shaking so much with nerves. It seemed unfair, she thought, that her first mission away from Earth was one that came with such pressure. She thought about the final conversation she had had with her boss because she prepared to depart.
″You have one month to return with what we need Ava. ″ He'd told her, ″You're the one who's insisted you can do this so if you can't get it done... we'll have to talk about reassigning you. ″
″I have no doubt I can get it done sir. ″ She'd said, with much more confidence than she felt, ″And, what do you mean reassign me? ″
″We'll talk about it when you get back. Hopefully, we won't even need to. You know what you need to do, along with the research sample you need to collect, make sure you're smart in your negotiations. What do you need to do upon arrival? ″
Ava almost rolled her eyes, they had gone over the plan several times, ″When I arrive, I need to locate the Head of the Rista Command Center, Erox, and begin negotiations about sharing more of technology and science that differ between our planets. ″
″Great. I'm sure you'll be very successful. ″
Now Ava had had a whole week to think about it while she travelled to this strange planet and she knew exactly what the consequences of failing this mission would be.
She'd known more than one person her boss wasn't a fan of who'd been 'reassigned' and the fact was they were never seen again. Whether it was because they'd been transferred to a much lower department and were too ashamed to explain or whether they were actually standing in an unemployment line, she didn't know. All she did know was that everything was riding on this mission.
″You might want to change soon. ″ Wayne said. On Earth, Ava had spent very little time with Wayne but after a whole week travelling together, she felt she knew him better than most people.
″Is it really that hot? They told me to bring bikinis but come on, I'm a scientist, I can't walk around in a bikini. ″ Ava scoffed.
″From what I've heard, you'll change your mind about that fast. ″ Wayne said, ″Why do you think you need to bring a case of heat resistant spray with you? ″
″I thought it was a precaution. ″ Ava said.
″Ava, you aren't going to the Bahamas, ok? You're going to a whole other planet, and Rista is very different from Earth. It's insanely hot, although they say it isn't all that humid, so you'll be able to adapt to it. Because you won't be wearing much, trust me, your skin still needs to be protected so you have to spray yourself-″
″Twice a day, I know Wayne. ″ Ava said. She smiled, ″Thank you, you're the only reason I'm not completely petrified. I mean, I'm so scared, but I feel like I might at least be capable of completing my mission. ″
″It isn't too late for me to join you, you know? ″
″Thanks, but I don't think that would do me any favours in the long run. ″
They smiled at each other and Ava began to feel a little better about it all. It was only one month, not a lifetime, but easily enough to do what she needed to do. Wayne would come back for her before she knew it.
Then there was a loud noise coming from the front of their small ship.
″What was that? ″ Ava asked. Wayne shrugged, though he looked concerned and seemed to hold onto his belts a little tighter. Just as it began to seem that their pilot had just dropped something heavy, there was another crashing sound, followed by an ear piercing alarm.
″What's going on? ″ Wayne shouted, covering his ears. They both brought their legs up to their chests as much as they could and tightly covered their ears. Ava couldn't respond to Wayne's shouts, she couldn't think of anything but that terrible sound. They had been thoroughly prepared for the journey and had done drills and heard every alarm possible but this one was unfamiliar.
″Ava! ″ Wayne screamed.
She opened her eyes as the alarm ended and a metallic ripping sound filled the ship. Suddenly, Wayne was moving further away, still strapped into his seat. It seemed impossible. Ava screamed as their ship tore down the middle.
Wayne's half flew upwards, disappearing quickly into the vast emptiness of space. Ava barely had time to try and catch her breath before her half landed with a crash onto solid ground.
Chapter 2
As Ava came around, the first thing she became aware of was the intense heat. In different circumstances, she knew she would laugh at herself for dismissing everyone's warnings. She didn't know how long she had been unconscious but she was soaked through with sweat.
″OK! ″ A voice shouted nearby.
It began to sink in what had happened. Their ship had had some kind of accident and now she had crashed in a random area of planet Rista, without Wayne or any of the crew to see her off.
She looked at the wreckage she was still strapped into and saw the case of heat protective spray was in tact. Now she was feeling the heat, Ava didn't doubt she needed to use that as soon as she could.
″All ok! ″ The voice shouted again. From her perspective, it was difficult to see much other than a bright white and cloudless sky. She concentrated and decided she wasn't injured; the seat she had travelled in was cushioned and tough. She was lucky.
Something moved in her limited field of vision. The body the voice had come from was moving into view. An arm reached over her and unlocked her straps, took hold her shoulders and pulled her out of the mess. The stranger lifted Ava and carried her, shaking in his arms. She lay in his arms and looked up at him.
″Who are you? ″ She asked him but he didn't seem to hear her. Whoever he was, she wasn't going to argue. He was more handsome than anyone she had ever seen.
In an instant, Earthmen paled in comparison. The Ristite man had a clean, square jaw, stunning green eyes and blonde hair he wore loose, it just brushed his muscular shoulders. His skin was tan and his bare chest rippled with abs she just wanted to reach out and stroke, even in her shaken condition. Ava didn't know what had come over her, she knew she shouldn't think like this about a man who had just pulled her from her destroyed ship.
″Who are you? ″ She asked again.
″I am Erox. ″ He said. In her shock, Ava knew that name was familiar but her mind was too hazy to understand why. He glanced down at her. When their eyes met, Ava felt something even stronger, a pull like nothing she had ever known. He slowed down for a moment as though he felt it too.
″It's a good thing I was there to save you. You would not have a chance of survival without me. ″
″Thank you for saving me. ″ Ava said.
″It's what I do. ″
With some effort, sh
e took her gaze from his unbelievable chest and looked at their surroundings. The ground was a strange combination of dry, sandy areas and then green, crop filled fields. The crops looked like nothing Ava had ever seen on Earth.
She could see many Ristites working in the fields, watering and picked the crops, most of them seemed to be feminine figures.
″Where are you taking me? I don't think this is where I'm supposed to be. ″ Ava asked. The fog in her mind had passed, leaving horror in its wake. She had no idea how to find her way.
″This is exactly where you are supposed to be. ″ Erox said. They approached a more built up area, a dusty of strip of land with wooden huts on both sides like a little street.
″I think I can walk. ″ Ava suggested, her lack of control over the situation only causing her to feel more afraid.
″Best not to. I can take care of you. I am taking you to my hut. You can clean and rest. ″
Ava remembered then that she had been told the Ristite people had few language skills. They apparently communicated through gestures and a basic sign language. Some of them had been trying to learn some Earth languages to help build a good relationship between the two planets.
When drones sent from Earth had captured images of life on Rista, the next thing Earth had done was send communication technology and a variety of ways for the Ristites to learn some human languages. Ava was impressed by the way Erox spoke her language. His voice was deep in a way that made her skin tingle listening to him.
″I have a mission to complete you see, I'm a scientist sent from Earth. I'm here to collect some biological samples for research that will help your planet and ours. I have a limited time. ″
″And how are you planning to return to Earth so quickly? ″ He asked her with a smirk. He put her down then, outside of one of the wooden huts.
″You have reasonable technology, is that correct? Someone can help me fix my ship. ″
Erox laughed at that, an arrogant laugh that Ava didn't appreciate at all.
″Oh Earth woman, you did not see your ship. There will be no fixing it. Some of my employees are following with what belongings can be salvaged. ″ The more he talked, the angrier Ava became with him, though she couldn't help but check out his body as they stood facing each other.
It only got better from the chest down, she thought; he was only wearing something resembling shorts. His legs were as strong and defined as his chest, while the bulge in between them made what she had between her own ache.
″I know, it's almost too much to take in at once, isn't it? ″ Erox smirked as Ava realised she had been caught.
″I'm a scientist, I can't help but study alien life forms. ″ She said, making herself look him in the eyes. Those stunning green eyes.
″Sure. ″ He said. He reached out and pushed aside the thick curtain style door to his hut and gestured for Ava to go in.
″Ok, but only until your colleagues arrive with my things. After that, I'll need to find the base here. ″ Ava insisted.
″Sure. ″ He repeated.
″Wait...″Ava said, ″You're Erox? You are the man I'm supposed to look for, you are the Head of the Command Center? ″
″That is correct. Leader of the Command Center and the Planet Rista as a whole. ″
″So you can make contact with my colleagues and tell them what has happened to me. ″
″One step at a time. ″ He gestured for Ava for follow him into his home.
They walked into his hut and Ava couldn't believe how small it was. It looked tiny on the outside but she's assumed it was an illusion or that there was an underground section.
Instead, it was very simple. It was a sort of oval shape. On one side was a bed made of wood, waxed leaves and a fabric covering. On the other side, there was a primitive shower that although she was happy to see, it worried her that there was no curtain or screen of any kind.
″I thought you said I could clean up in here. ″ Ava said.
″You can. ″ Erox replied.
Ava approached the shower in the hope that somehow she had missed something but there was nothing. It was completely bare.
″So you'll go outside or something? ″
″What is the problem? ″ Erox asked. He stood in front of her, hands on his hips almost as though he wanted to show off.
″I'm not going to shower in front of someone I just met. No matter how grateful I am for being saved. ″
″Here on Rista, we are unashamed of our bodies. You will notice we wear very little due to the heat and you will soon accept the inevitable. ″
Ava sighed. Suddenly, it seemed insane that she had been sent to this planet alone. The door was pushed aside as two other men entered the hut. Ava was relieved to see they had brought most of her belongings, but she couldn't believe Erox had suggested she shower in the open space when anyone could walk in without warning. She recognized the box of heat spray and a binder of notes she had brought.
″This is everything. ″ They announced, looking proud of their haul.
″No, my clothes? ″ Ava asked.
″Everything else was destroyed. ″ One of them informed her. Both of them were also topless with only small shorts to protect their modesty; even if modesty was foreign concept on Rista.
Although they weren't as stunning as Erox, Ava couldn't help but study them too. As her eyes landed on the generous bulge in one of their shorts, she realised it seemed to be growing. In fact, that was the case with both of them.
″Go now. ″ Erox told them. They both stood rooted to the spot, watching Ava in a way that made her heart race.
″I said go! ″ Erox yelled. Finally, they both seemed to wake from a trance and leave the hut, ″I'm sorry. I will wait outside if you want to take your shower. I will organize some replacement clothing. ″
Unnerved, Ava could only nod along, ″Could someone else check the ship? They may have missed my clothes. ″
″Sure. ″ Erox smiled. He walked towards her and for a moment, Ava couldn't help but wish he would kiss her. She couldn't imagine what kissing him would feel like but she wanted to know. I
nstead, he passed her and turned on the shower for her. On the way out, he turned back and winked at her. She chastised herself for her thoughts and although it felt very wrong, she pulled off her dirty clothes and stepped into the shower.
As bad as the shower had looked, she quickly realised the water pressure was even better than what she was used to back home. It was such a strange place. In some ways so primitive and yet so like Earth.
In minutes, she felt clean and much better in general. It made her feel positive enough that she decided to do as Erox said and take some time to rest. It would only help her mission to have a bit more energy, she thought. She refused to entertain the idea that the crash would prevent her from getting it done.
Just as she was beginning to relax, a movement caught her attention and she turned around. One of the men who had brought her stuff stood in the middle of the hut, his eyes locked on hers.
Ava was stunned, as she stood naked in the shower. He stared at her, a hunger in his eyes, as the water ran over her curves. Once again, she saw something enlarging between his legs. He ripped off his shorts, freeing it and Ava gasped. In many ways, the Ristite men were built like human men but what he was showing her was a little different. It was long and hard like a human man's, only it seemed to have something more. There was something extra to it, smaller but intriguing in a way. Ava was terrified of what he was planning to do. Finally, she broke through the terror and screamed as loud as she could.
In an instant, Erox crashed through the doorway and grabbed the other man, pushing him to the ground with no effort at all. Erox stood over the man and pulled him outside by his feet, the man pounding the floor uselessly with his fists all the way. Ava heard Erox punch him once they were outside and then he was back in the hut.
″I apologize. We rarely see woman such as yourself here. This may happen while you're here. They get excite
d. ″ Erox explained.
″What are you talking about? ″ Ava asked.
″The women here are wonderful but rarely fertile. The mating is magical, but does little to continue our race. We have heard great things about Earth females and I know that the males here dream of mating with one of you. ″ Erox explained, ″You also look very different than our females. They are rarely as... curvy as you. Our males can become out of control. ″
It was then that Ava realised she was still naked and although Erox spoke as though he was separate from the other men, his body reacted in a very similar way she couldn't help but notice.
Being naked in front of him felt different than when the other man had walked in on her though. After all, Erox was the most handsome male she had ever seen, human or alien. She wondered if he looked like what the other man had just shown her. She was curious. If he was to lose control, Ava thought, it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
″Thank you for saving me once again. ″ Ava said, ″You talk about these other men as though you aren't one of them. Why is that? ″
″Trust me, I am very like them. I also know your value and I feel the urges my body has towards your body. I believe in more than simply mating for the sake of it however. At some point, you will also want me. I will wait. ″ Erox explained. His radiant smile distracted Ava in a way that meant it took a moment for what he was saying to sink in.
″What makes you think I'll want you? ″
He shook his head, amused with her once again, ″Come on. ″ He gestured to his body.
While it was true, there was nothing attractive about his arrogance. Ava sighed, ″Do you have a towel or something? ″
″You will dry quickly, there is no need. ″ Erox said and left the hut once again. Ava stared at the door, her mouth hung open. So he wants me to hang around naked, she thought. As much as he had annoyed her, Ava thought she felt something more than water between her legs.
She faced the door so she would see right away this time if someone walked in, then reached down and felt herself. She was right. It felt wrong but too right not to. She told herself to believe all of her poor judgement about Erox was down to trauma, she thought about what would happen if he had instead of leaving just taken off his shorts and joined her.